From the moment they raise their ugly heads, liver spots slowly but surely stain and dull our skin. Liver spots, sun-related spots, age spots, pigment spots, hormonal changes, blotchy patches and acne scars...
we don't just have to deal with wrinkles as we age!
Ten years ago, liver spots were in the top 3 of beauty banes suffered by middle aged women. Nowadays, women of all ages moan about these skin-dulling patches.
Whatever our age or skin colour, around 80% of us have liver spots that can leave our skin looking patchy and blotchy.
Liver spots can be tackled in two ways: dealing with the over-production of melanin, the molecule that causes skin colour changes and, secondly, minimising liver spots that have already appeared. In order to keep a uniform glow, our skin needs to be kept clean and smooth.
What are the best anti-age spot active ingredients?
- Vitamin C is a tyrosinase inhibitor, meaning it can lighten skin.
What's more, its acid content has an exfoliating action that smoothes the surface of our skin and zaps liver spots.
- Glycolic acid and alpha hydroxy acids are active ingredients frequently used by dermatologists for skin peels. Creams usually contain about 3% of anti-age spot active ingredients. They smooth out skin and boost epidermal cell renewal, whilst banishing blemishes including liver spots.
Our best bet is to apply an anti-age spot serum in the morning, before your day cream. The dual benefit of serums is their high concentration of active ingredients and the added boost they give to face creams. But a little patience is required!
Liver spots don't miraculously disappear! It usually takes about 3 weeks for them to gradually fade. And for a lasting effect you'll need to treat your skin daily for 3 months.
UV rays provoke the appearance and growth of liver spots. We're not suggesting you completely avoid the sun (its Vitamin D is essential and nothing's nicer than a sun-kissed glow), but it's essential we adopt a suitable beauty routine.
So, as soon as the sun pokes out its nose, we should apply:
An anti-pigment serum, to keep the critters at bay,
a day cream that contains a high SPF, to prevent liver spots from worsening.