Steam and sauna
Black soap exfoliation
Loofah scrub
Pumice stone
Mineral clay mask for skin and hair
Oil massage
Don’t forget to drink lots of water after your session to make up for all that sweating and prevent dehydration! Note: anyone suffering from circulatory, heart or some dermatological conditions should avoid hot environments. If in doubt, check with your GP. Hammam spas are also not recommended for pregnant women.
Even though you might have thought of a Hammam as a regular day at the sauna, remember that we're not talking about a quick steam: hammam spa sessions can last all afternoon! You should also put some post-spa time aside - the heat and treatments will leave you so relaxed, the last thing you'll need is a packed diary. Plus finishing your session with a cleansing cuppa (green or mint tea!) is all part of the ritual.